In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,
the earth's waters and its land. Then God said, "Let the land produce trees that bear fruit."
And it was so…and it was good.
God likewise created man and woman. Then man and woman said, "Let us take this fruit grown from trees and make a delicious drink."
And it was so…and it was very good.
4 Bitten Fruit is a crisp, sparkling hard apple cider that is brewed with a blend of
apple juices. It is light and effervescent; much like a dry apple champagne. It is sinfully delicious.
Go ahead… try it. What's the worst that could happen?
Availability: Year Round
Bottles: 12 oz.
Kegs: 1/6 Barrels
Style: Sparkling Hard Cider
Body: Light
Color: Light Golden
Alcohol Content: ?%